In every Feldenkrais class I help people more easily attain their wellness and fitness goals. I keep each class Fun, Playful and Compelling. We explore learning more about what is possible for our selves and moving together as a community.
Feldenkrais can be designed for any age and any fitness level.
There is very little risk of injury involved in the use of the Feldenkrais Method. It is both gentle and safe. Participants are instructed to stay within comfortable pain-free ranges of motion and use as little effort as possible to perform each movement. As a result of this comfortable approach, people learn that they can find more mobility, safety and comfort than they had imagined possible.
My classes are unique in that they are influenced by my background in Somatic Psychology, Improvisational Theater, Dance, Martial Arts and my experience as a music teacher and performance artist.
My classes are unique in that they are influenced by my background in Somatic Psychology, Improvisational Theater, Dance, Martial Arts and my experience as a music teacher and performance artist.
Why is does Feldenkrais movement create such fast transformation?
The Feldenkrais Method relies on your Brain's ability to change it self and allows your brain to make functional and structural changes that translate to better health.
In each class we will create the best conditions to improve the way your brain and nervous system think, feel, problem solve and create functional (purposeful) movement.
In each class we will create the best conditions to improve the way your brain and nervous system think, feel, problem solve and create functional (purposeful) movement.
The brains ability to rewire itself and adapt to changing input is called Neuroplasticity. In poor conditions (such as the environment of injuries and related compensation, compulsive habits, trauma, anxiety and distress) neuroplasticity can become the source of chronic dysfunctional problems.
Feldenkrais classes change dysfunctional motor patterns easily by teaching participants how to create and experience a positive environment for learning that creates rapid change.
The Feldenkrais Method takes advantage of your brains ability to improve its function and learn new information by altering and upgrading your brains sensory perceptual processes through gentle movement.
In a Feldenkrais movement class you are guided through a combinations of gentle movements sequences that progress gradually into more complex movement patterns.
As participants become more aware and able to feel how their bodies are interacting internally and with the external environment (i.e gravity, the ground, and others around them), their bodies sensory motor-perceptual processes acts to refine movement and increase the brains perception of the body to create more ease, power, increased range of motion, more energy efficient movement and better body alignment which reduces chronic pain created by inefficient, unaligned and poor movement patterns.
Feldenkrais classes change dysfunctional motor patterns easily by teaching participants how to create and experience a positive environment for learning that creates rapid change.
The Feldenkrais Method takes advantage of your brains ability to improve its function and learn new information by altering and upgrading your brains sensory perceptual processes through gentle movement.
In a Feldenkrais movement class you are guided through a combinations of gentle movements sequences that progress gradually into more complex movement patterns.
As participants become more aware and able to feel how their bodies are interacting internally and with the external environment (i.e gravity, the ground, and others around them), their bodies sensory motor-perceptual processes acts to refine movement and increase the brains perception of the body to create more ease, power, increased range of motion, more energy efficient movement and better body alignment which reduces chronic pain created by inefficient, unaligned and poor movement patterns.
Classes can be taught on the floor lying down, sitting in a chair, standing and walking.